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Electronic Law Journals ESLJ

Entertainment and Sports Law Journal

The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal has moved to a new home at and henceforth will be published by the University of Westminster Press. Details of the journal’s new editorial board, content archive and all other matters concerning the journal are available via this website.

Submissions can be made via the journal's submissions page at


The latest issue of the Entertainment and Sports Law Journal is Volume 13 (pub. 2015)

The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal provides a forum for both academics and practitioners working in these dynamic and rapidly-expanding areas. These subjects now appear within undergraduate legal curricula and form the basis of many postgraduate courses across the common law world and the broad aim of the journal is to provide an environment for considered discourse of this growing field of study from both a theoretical and practical perspective more...

ESLJ was originally published as Entertainment Law in hard copy by Frank Cass Journals from Spring 2002 (Volume 1 Number 1) to Autumn 2003 (Volume 2 Number 3).

If you would like to submit an article to ESLJ then please read the submission standards and copyright information pages first. We invite anyone to submit an article, intervention, book review or multimedia presentation.

Keep up to date with notification of new articles and other developments at ESLJ by following us on twitter.

ISSN 1748-944X (Online - Entertainment and Sports Law Journal Volume 3 onwards)
ISSN 1473-0987 (Print - "Entertainment Law" duplicated Online as Volumes 1 & 2 of the ESLJ)

The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal is indexed and abstracted on EBSCOHost, and catalogued in HeinOnline.

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