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Network on International Law

Network on International Law, Natural Resources & Sustainable Development

The Network on International Law, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development is a research network of scholars, policymakers, research centres and policy and non-governmental organisations with interests in the governance and international law relating to natural resources and sustainable development. The Network aims to foster research and policy collaboration, particularly between academic institutions in the north and institutions in the south and involving policymakers and practitioners from different parts of the world. Researchers in the Network consider, among other things, the national and international approaches to the regulation of natural resources in developing countries and the impact of such approaches on sustainable development and on the evolution of international law.

The Network emerged from a Workshop on International Law, Natural; Resources and Sustainable Development held at the University of Warwick in September 2013. A follow-up workshop will be held in Amsterdam in January 2015.

An important and novel feature of this Network is our objective of bringing together legal and policy expertise from a diverse range of academic and practitioner base. We are bringing together legal scholars, practitioners, campaigners and policymakers from a wide range of specialisms, from trade and investment law to sovereign debt to tax to human rights and environmental law, to consider how their area of research has been affected or are being affected by the conflicts and tensions relating to natural resources.

The aim of the Network is to provide a platform to explore the complex issues surrounding the governance and international legal framework relating to natural resources and sustainable development. We aim to develop a broad, multi-stakeholder international network for research collaboration, research dissemination and knowledge transfer on the issue of international natural resource governance and management.

For further information, please contact us at:

Call for Papers

Workshop on the Rule of Law, Governance and Natural Resources, 22–23 January 2015, University of Amsterdam