PGR Writing Bootcamp: Term 1
The Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) at Warwick Law School is happy to invite you to our first writing boot camp for this academic year. The boot camp will run from 5-7 November during reading week and will be held at S2.12 (aka Moot Court Room). Intended to serve as both a social and study-focused space, the Writing Bootcamp will allow us to work together for dedicated periods of time, chat, and share any concerns in a supportive environment.
The event will run hybrid and we welcome everyone by offering online participation. Lunch and snacks will also be provided for those of you who can join in person. We just ask you to indicate this by signing up HERE so we can arrange food and snacks with minimal wastage. Please sign up by filling out the form.
We understand that not everyone can commit to both sessions on each day, but you can drop in and out whenever it is suitable for you. Please find the schedule attachedLink opens in a new window. Please also note that you don't need to write to join the event. You can do some reading or tick off anything on your to-do list.
9am-5pm daily.