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Thursday, May 14, 2020

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'Working in Lockdown'
MS Teams

Tom Crowther and David Bather Woods will share a bit of their experience of how they have been managing under the lockdown conditions, and how they have been trying to change their working habits so that they can stay remotely productive. It would be really good to hear from students too and to hear about how you have been getting on; whether you have been finding things pretty straightforward, or finding things tough going. Everyone is welcome, and Tom and David want to hear from you all.

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Knowledge and Understanding Seminar
By Zoom

Speaker: Eileen John (Warwick)

Title: 'Learning from Artistic Disagreement'

Abstract​: "When we disagree about the meaning and value of works of art, we do not always bother to argue about it, but sometimes we do. Arguments about art can be pursued seriously, and such disagreements can mark somehow important faultlines between people. What are these disagreements about, why are they difficult to resolve, and what can be learned from them? Stanley Cavell says that ‘the familiar lack of conclusiveness in aesthetic argument, rather than showing up an irrationality, shows the kind of rationality it has, and needs’ (MWMWWS, 86). Responding to Cavell and to some work by Fabian Dorsch, both of whom defend the unusual rationality of aesthetic judgement and argument, I will resist some of the ‘particularising’ accounts of the difficulty of these practices. I will also make some not-well-defended claims about the role of reasons in the context of artistic evaluation."

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Global Insights: COVID-19, Climate Change and Energy. A live-streamed panel discussing the challenges of COVID-19.

Global Insights is a weekly live-streamed, moderated panel series which provides different national and regional perspectives on big questions currently facing researchers, policymakers and planners worldwide in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Global Insights feature experts from PAIS, the Balsillie School of International Affairs (Canada), the School of International Service at American University (USA), the Institute of Strategic Affairs in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), and the Department of Politics & Public Administration at the University of Konstanz (Germany) – all leading institutions in the study of international affairs.

This collaborative effort draws on the views of intellectual leaders from various corners of the globe to contribute informed perspectives on a range of different global challenges both during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Next Event

Description of speakers

Global Insights: “COVID-19: Climate Change and Energy”

May 14 @ 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Register via Eventbrite

Video Replays

COVID-19 and the Global South
May 7, 2020

COVID-19: Stress-test for the Global Economy
April 30, 2020
