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Friday, February 17, 2023

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Postgraduate Research Conference on 'Law in Dark Times'
Oculus Building Room OC1.04 and OC0.01, University of Warwick

This year’s PGR conference will take place on Wednesday 15 February 2023, and the theme is ‘Law in Dark Times’. The organising committee (made of our brilliant PhD colleagues Arrin Lewis, Charlotte Higgs and Priscilla Vitoh) has put together a call for papers – please feel free to share widely.

The keynote speaker for the conference is Prof Davina Cooper who is going to talk about prefigurative law reform research and the challenges of using the law for social transformation, based on her recently completed project ‘The future of legal gender’.

SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACT: We invite interested participants to submit abstracts of no more than 250 words via this form via this form PGR Conference 2023 by Monday, 9th January 2023. Apart from the abstracts, the form will collect data including the applicant's name, current degree programme, year/stage of PhD, name of institution and contact details. Successful applicants will be informed by 17th January 2023.

FURTHER INFORMATION If you have any questions or queries about the conference, please email the organisers at and follow the conference on @Warwick_lawpgr to receive updates about the event.

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Visually Prepared Workshop

This is an interactive workshop exclusively run for visually impaired students. The aim is to build confidence and take ownership of your visual impairment during the graduate recruitment process. We will touch on topics such as disability disclosure, reasonable adjustments and making the most of accessible internships and work experience.
