Activities and Outputs
King's College London Department of Political Economy Seminar Series
On November 28th 2024 I delivered a paper to the Department of Political Economy Seminar Series at King's College London. The event was organised by the Centre for the Study of Governance and SocietyLink opens in a new window. I spoke about my new book, False Prophets of Economics ImperialismLink opens in a new window, to the title of 'The Epistemic Function of Mathematical Market Models in a World of Economics ImperialismLink opens in a new window'.
Podcast Recording with Mark Pennington on False Prophets, King's College London
On November 28th 2024 I recorded a podcast for the Centre for the Study of Governance and SocietyLink opens in a new window at King's College London. The host, Professor Mark PenningtonLink opens in a new window, interviewed me about my new book, False Prophets of Economics ImperialismLink opens in a new window. The wide-ranging conversation saw Mark ask me to reflect on my inspiration for writing the book, what I considered its most important contents to be, and its implications for political economy as a subject field.
The recording is available here: Podcast - False Prophets of Economics Imperialism: a discussion with Matthew Watson - Centre for the Study of Governance & Society.
Roundtable Discussion on Karl Polanyi, King's College London
On October 23rd 2019 I made a contribution entitled, 'Karl Polanyi in the History of Thought Tradition', to a roundtable discussion at King's College London which was organised to celebrate the launch of two books. One was Christopher Holmes's Polanyi in Times of Populism: Vision and Contradiction in the History of Economic Ideas. The other was Christopher's edited collection with Gareth Dale and Maria Markantonatou, Karl Polanyi's Political and Economic Thought: A Critical Guide.