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Activities and Outputs

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Roundtable Discussion on Karl Polanyi, King's College London

On October 23rd 2019 I made a contribution entitled, 'Karl Polanyi in the History of Thought Tradition', to a roundtable discussion at King's College London which was organised to celebrate the launch of two books. One was Christopher Holmes's Polanyi in Times of Populism: Vision and Contradiction in the History of Economic Ideas. The other was Christopher's edited collection with Gareth Dale and Maria Markantonatou, Karl Polanyi's Political and Economic Thought: A Critical Guide.

Thu 24 Oct 2019, 16:05 | Tags: roundtable discussion, King's College London, Karl Polanyi

Engagements at the London School of Economics

I spent March 22nd and 23rd 2017 at the London School of Economics, participating in a number of events.

(1) I delivered a paper to the International Political Economy and Public Policy Research Cluster that extends across the Department of Government, the European Institute and the Department of International Relations. It was called 'Crusoe, Friday and the Raced Market Frame of Orthodox Economics Pedagogy'.

(2) I held meetings with a number of Cluster PhD students housed in the Department of International Relations to talk to them about their ongoing research.

(3) I gave a talk to the Grimshaw Club Student Society, which is an affiliated society of the LSE Students Union. It was called 'Brexit and the Economically 'Left Behind''.

(4) I was one of four participants on the 1st Annual International Relations Roundtable in the Department of International Relations. The theme of the roundtable discussion was 'Restating the State of the Discipline'. My invitation came at the request of the International Political Economy and Public Policy Research Cluster.

Fri 24 Mar 2017, 19:41 | Tags: London, paper presentation, roundtable discussion

University of Birmingham Undergraduate Masterclass Presentation

On October 29th 2016 I delivered a presentation to an Undergraduate IPE Masterclass in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Birmingham. I was joined at the Masterclass by Drs Sophie Harman and Megan Daigle. We were asked to talk to a recent paper that we had written, but less about its contents and more about the process through which we came to put the paper together in the first place. This was then to be used as guidance for the students as they work towards their own projects for the year. The paper I chose was from my Professorial Fellowship research and was entitled, 'Crusoe, Friday and the Raced Market Frame of Orthodox Economics Textbooks'. My presentation focused on why I have become so interested in understanding the silences that develop in economic theory when the market frame is taught through a basic model in which full contracting equality before the law is ascribed to Crusoe and Friday. The reality of Defoe's original novel was very different, and everywhere other than in economics textbooks the 'Crusoe' and 'Friday' signifiers continue to evoke the racialised hierarchy through which the novel's characters capture the essence of the early eighteenth-century colonial economy.

The audio recording of the whole session is available here. My presentation starts 14 minutes into the recording and ends at 26 minutes.

Fri 28 Oct 2016, 14:17 | Tags: Birmingham, roundtable discussion, teaching session

Coventry Mela, Belgrade Theatre

On July 23rd 2016 I participated in a roundtable discussion about photographic art and everyday experiences of the British Empire. This was as part of the Colonial Hangover project that I have been running for my Department's Widening Participation Programme. My talk was entitled, 'Photographs, Family Histories and the Colonial Hangover', and I appeared alongside Jason Scott Tilley and Tarla Patel. The event took place at the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry and was an element of the 2016 Coventry Mela, a celebration of South Asian arts and culture within the city. 

Mon 25 Jul 2016, 11:22 | Tags: Coventry, outreach, roundtable discussion

SPERI Conference, Sheffield

On July 4th 2016 I acted alongside Colin Hay as one of the two discussants on the panel at the SPERI Conference in Sheffield entitled, 'Exploring Alternative Growth Models'. The two papers being discussed were written by David Coates, Wake Forest University ('Riding the Tiger: Towards a New Growth Strategy for the Political Left') and Terence Casey, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology ('Rupture or Reform? In Defense of Neoliberalism').

Tue 05 Jul 2016, 10:17 | Tags: Sheffield, Speri, roundtable discussion

Schools Day at Rainhill Academy

On June 29th 2016 I gave a talk to supplement citizenship training to both Year 9s and Year 12s at Rainhill High School in Prescot, Merseyside. The talk was entitled, 'Paying for the State: Taxation and Citizenship'.

I also participated alongside my departmental colleagues Trevor McCrisken and Shahnaz Akhter on a post-EU referendum Question Time-style roundtable discussion.

Fri 01 Jul 2016, 11:57 | Tags: Liverpool, outreach, roundtable discussion, teaching session

Public Outreach Event, 'Austerity: Where From and Where To?'

Coventry Anti-Austerity MeetingI chaired and was involved in a roundtable discussion between colleagues in my Department and various anti-austerity activists and campaigners from the Coventry and Warwickshire region. The event took place in the Coventry Central Methodist Hall on March 3rd 2016.

An audio recording of all the speakers can be found at

Sun 06 Mar 2016, 12:46 | Tags: Coventry, outreach, roundtable discussion