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PPE News and Events

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NSS 2020: Excellent Results for PPE

The PPE programme is pleased to announce that our NSS results for 2020 continue to reflect a high level of student satisfaction. Our BA/BSc PPE degree received 91.8% overall satisfaction.

The Philosophy, Politics and Economics departments are also celebrating huge successes in the 2020 NSS results.

Tue 21 Jul 2020, 16:40 | Tags: homepage, Economics, Philosophy, UG, PAIS

Warwick PPE Student Georgiana Puscas takes home first place prize in the New Economics Talent 2020

A Warwick Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) student was recently selected as a finalist to present her Research in Applied Economics (RAE) paper online at the New Economic Talent competition and went on to win first place.

Thu 02 Jul 2020, 15:30 | Tags: homepage, Economics

Warwick PPE Graduate announced as Gates Cambridge Scholar 2020

Ronja Griep, a BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics graduate, has been announced as a Gates Cambridge Scholar for 2020.

Thu 16 Apr 2020, 14:22 | Tags: homepage

Expert Comment: The economic impact of Coronavirus

Roger Farmer, Professor of Economics, comments on the economic impact of the coronavirus:

"The current expansion that began in June of 2009 is the longest in post-war US history. The effect of Coronavirus on economic activity will mark the end of that expansion and we are now seeing the fears of market participants reflected in a stock-market crash with major market indices that dropped by more than 10% last week, wiping out all of the gains from the previous year."

Fri 06 Mar 2020, 15:43 | Tags: homepage, Economics

Expert Comment: Iranian missile strike on US air bases

Dr Trevor McCrisken, Associate Professor, US Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick comments on the Iranian missile attack on a US air base in Iraq.

“An Iranian response to the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani was expected. This appears to have been a carefully managed missile strike which could actually enable a de-escalation rather than leading to a deeper conflict. But the nature of the US response now will be crucial in determining how things proceed in what is a very dangerous situation.”

Fri 10 Jan 2020, 11:51 | Tags: homepage, PAIS

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