Anmar Kamalaldin

Anmar Kamalaldin
Year of Graduation
IFP Pathway
Business Studies
Current Situation
Doctoral Researcher and Teacher, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, LuleƄ University of Technology, Sweden
Could you sum up your experience of the Warwick IFP?
IFP (HEFP at that time - Higher Education Foundation Programme) was full of new experiences and challenges. It was the year that I started my journey of studying abroad, thus I made a lot of friends, whom I am still in contact with. It is truly an unforgettable year to me, with many beautiful memories. Yes, there were times of stress, with wanting to do well with studies and assignments, but that was part of the learning experience as well.
How did the course prepare you for undergraduate study and beyond?
The programme did not only equip me with the foundational knowledge in the different modules, but also developed my critical thinking and reflection skills. It helped me understand and acknowledge how things can be seen from different sides and perspectives, and that things are not simple "black or white". Having to write all those essays really helped me develop my academic writing, and present my arguments in a structured way. I definitely owe my academic writing skills to the foundation programme.
Please tell us about your career plans
Having experienced working in both banking and academia, I find myself loving to continue working in the academic sector. I am hopefully going to defend my PhD in the topic of "Digital Servitization" next year (2021). After that, I hope to seek a teaching position at one of the universities in Sweden, and of course, I plan to continue with academic research as well.
What is the one piece of advice you would give to current IFP students?
Have an open mind to all possibilities and opportunities. Sometimes we end up in a path that is not exactly the same as we had planned, but then it turns out to be even better than our plans! I encourage all to be open to experiencing new things, and remember to make the most out of your years at university. Life is too short!