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Results and Placement


Welcome to Warwick IFP’s Results and Placement pages. From these pages, you will find information about how to access your final results alongside information about how you can be supported throughout the University Placement period.

The Warwick IFP Placement Team can be contacted between Monday 1 July - Friday 30 August to provide help and assistance to you between completing the Warwick IFP and joining your undergraduate programme at Warwick or other UK universities. We can also support you if you need help with options such as Gap Years or alternative study routes.

tel: +44(0) 2476523811 / +44(0) 2476528929

placement at warwick dot ac dot uk

or contact Orla directly on orla dot whelan-davis at warwick dot ac dot uk

We strongly encourage all students to be present on Friday 28 June to collect their results in person. We would recommend that travel arrangements to return home should be booked for after this date.

Keeping in touch

We would very much like our IFP past students, or Alumni, to keep in touch with us, sharing their stories and progress through undergraduate degrees and into employment. Please visit our Alumni page and sign up to our Linkedin network to help support your future careers, networking and employability. Also please fill out the Personal Contact Details form below in order for us to keep our records up to date.

Your Results

Find out about the examination process and how to access your results.

Support through UCAS

Find out about the help and support available to you after you have received your IFP results.

Key Dates

Monday 24 June

Mitigating Circumstances Committee

(find out more)

Thursday 27 June

Exam Board

End of Year Event and Prizegiving dinner

Friday 28 June

Results released (collect in person from Personal Tutors). Each student will be given an appointment time

Additional appointments will be available for students who require extra support and guidance on their next steps

Week commencing Monday 1 July

Results sent to students' Firm and Insurance choice universities

Friday 5 July

UCAS Clearing Opens

Monday 8 July

Results available to view on Tabula

Thursday 15 August

A' level results day- additional Clearing places available

Friday 30 August

End of IFP Placement Team support