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Access your Results

Module results will be available to view on Tabula.

Please click the 'Modules' section on Tabula to view results for each individual module.

Example Tabula Modules screen

Please see the example below and the corresponding key for an explanation of your results:

tabula cropped (2)

(1) Module Code

You will see a module code for each module you have studied. This does not appear on your official certificate of completion.

(2) Module Title

This is the title of the module you have studied. This will appear on your Certificate of completion.

(3) Mark

This is the agreed module mark that has been approved by the Examination Board (see 'Approval Process' below). This cannot be changed or appealed.

(4) Grade

This is the agreed module grade that has been approved by the Examination Board. The grade will be one of the following:

D - Distinction

HC - High Credit

C - Credit

P - Pass

F - Fail

You have failed the module. If you are permitted to re-sit your examination a member of the IFP team will be in contact with you shortly. Re-sit examinations are capped at a maximum score of 40%.

QF - Qualified Fail

You will see this where you have failed the coursework and/or examination and are unable to resit. Here you may still see a score of above 40 and a 'QF' Grade - this will appear where you have achieved over 40% on the module but have failed a core component of the course (either by receiving less than 40% average across all coursework elements or by failing a final exam, or both).

W - Withdrawn

S - Resit on first attempt.

This is where the examination board has agreed to permit you to re-sit an examination as if it were your first attempt, allowing you to achieve any grade for the examiantion. This would have been granted where the examimation board accepted the recommendations of the Mitigating Circumstances Committee (see below).

N - No resit permittied

This is where you have have failed the module and the Examination Board decided that no resit would be permittied

(5) CATS

This is the overall credit awarded for your module. This will not appear on your Certificate of Completion and will not contribute towards undergraduate credits.

Access Tabula to view results

Approval Process

The process governing examinations and assessments are outlined in the Student handbook and the University's Examinations Regulations. All assessments and examinations delivered and completed within the department are subject to the following quality assurance processes to ensure accuracy and fairness.

Moderation and standardisation

Prior to the final grade being submitted by the module marker a process of moderation takes place within the department to ensure that the scores produced by teaching staff reflect the quality of the work completed. This process includes a combination of ‘blind marking’ and standardisation across the module, as outlined in the University Regulations. The department’s Moderation Policy applies to both summative assignments and end of year examinations.

Anonymous marking

All final examinations are marked and moderated anonymously by members of the relevant teaching team as the name of the student will not be visible on the examination script (you will fold this over on your examination booklet).

External Examiners

The department works with a number of External Examiners who review the marking, assessment and quality assurance processes used within the department. External examiners receive a sample of all work produced within the department, including the marks of all students enrolled on the course, and make an assessment of the fairness and accuracy of the processes used. All external examiners attend the examination board (see below) and make recommendations and suggestions to the department and the University about the examination and assessment process.

Mitigating Circumstances Committee

Prior to the examination board (see below) a ‘Mitigating Circumstances Committee’ will consider any matters which may have affected a particular students ability to perform to the best of their ability in the examination or the course more broadly. This committee meets within the department and the matters discussed are confidential to members of the committee. Supporting evidence must be provided by students and/or external independent practitioners (e.g. a doctor or health professional) to be considered by the committee.

The role of the Mitigating Circumstances Committee is to determine whether a students academic performance on the course was impacted by circumstances beyond their control. The Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Examination Board (see below) as to how it believes these matters should be resolved.

Examination Board

The Examination Board is responsible for reviewing, considering and approving the final results for all students enrolled on the Warwick IFP.

The examination board will:

  • Hear and decide on recommendations from the Mitigating Circumstances Committee
  • Receive reports from all External Examiners about the examination and assessment Quality Assurance processes and procedures
  • Consider the recommended grades for all students on each module of study
  • Confer (approve) individual module grades for students enrolled on the Warwick IFP
  • Make additional recommendations, as required, relating to individual students (e.g. opportunities to re-sit part of the course)

No student will be named in the Examination Board and all results will be approved only through reference to Student ID numbers