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Attendance and Monitoring Points

This policy applies to all students enrolled on the Warwick International Foundation Programme including the IELTS Intensive additional module.

Jump to: Attendance and Engagement Principles | Formal Monitoring Points | What happens if I miss a monitoring point?

Introduction and Definitions

You must follow the department's attendance and engagement principles and comply with their formal 'monitoring points' as outlined on this page.

Attendance and Engagement Principles

The Warwick IFP is an intensive pre-university course and your success is dependent on your active participation. The 'Attendance and Engagement Principles' explain what is expected of you in relation to classroom attendance. They also include general expectations about assessment submission and guidelines about overall engagement on the course.

Formal Monitoring Points

The University operates a scheme of formally monitoring the attendance and progress of all students through a scheme of agreed 'Monitoring' or 'Contact' points. If you do not comply with this scheme and attend all required monitoring points you may be asked to leave the course, meaning you will be withdrawn from the Warwick IFP and unable to progress to your degree programme.

If you comply with the Attendance and Engagement Principles in full, you will automatically comply with the Formal Monitoring Points.

Attendance and Engagement Principles

You are expected to adhere to the department's Attendance and Engagement Principles so that you have the best opportunity of being successful on the programme.

You are expected to:

  • Attend the induction programme in full in the first week of the Autumn Term
  • Submit all required summative and formative assessments in the correct way by the published deadline
  • Attend all small group classes, lectures and tutorials as detailed on your personal timetable on Tabula. You will be marked as missing a monitoring point (see below) when you fail to attend at least 75% of scheduled classes.
  • Attend all classes promptly and arrive in the classroom prepared for the session (the Warwick teaching hour runs from five (5) minutes past the hour to five (5) minutes to the hour. E.g. 09:05 - 09:55)
  • Attend all required Personal Tutor meetings and group sessions, including those not detailed on Tabula but arranged by your Personal Tutor
  • Meet your Personal Tutor regularly to discuss your progress and identify any areas of concern
  • Submit Module and Course Feedback forms at the end of the Autumn and Spring terms and at the end of the teaching timetable in the Summer Term
  • Attend all final examinations
  • Contact your Personal Tutor if you feel that your personal circumstances (e.g. medical or family matters) are affecting your ability to attend class, engage with the course or complete assessments/examinations effectively
  • Communicate in English in class (unless asked otherwise by the tutor) and seek to continue to speak English outside of the classroom as much as possible (please see the department's English First Principle)


It is the responsibility of your tutor to take a register at the start of the class. This register will be taken electronically using Tabula and your attendance will be visible via your own Tabula home screen.

Please note that if you do not attend a class, or you attend the class more than ten (10) minute from the start of the class, you will be marked as absent. If you arrive late for a class (more than ten (10) minutes after its start time) the class tutor reserves the right to refuse to permit you to join the class.

Formal Monitoring Points

If you comply with the Attendance and Engagement Principles outlined above you will automatically comply with the formal monitoring points outlined below.

Formal Monitoring Points are designed to ensure that you are fully engaging with your course of study and provide an opportunity for your tutors to identify any areas of concern and to provide additional support and assistance.

Failure to comply with the monitoring points outlined below can have significant consequences and may result in your referral to the University's Continuation of Registration Committee, which may require you to withdraw from your course (see Regulation 36 of the University Calendar for full details).

The following 'Monitoring Plan' requires you to meet a range of prescribed Monitoring Points during each term of study.

You can view your monitoring plan, recorded attendance and the number of met/missed monitoring points via Tabula.

Overall Requirements

These will be recorded as met/not met on a weekly basis. There are 29 formal monitoring points (35 if taking the IELTS Intensive Module).

IELTS Intensive Module (If applicable)
  • Attend all scheduled classes
Term 1
  • Attendance at all scheduled small-group teaching classes (seminars)
  • Attendance at the University Fair
  • Two(2) one-to-one meetings with your Personal Tutor
Term 2
  • Attendance at all scheduled small-group teaching classes (seminars)
  • Two one-to-one meetings with your Personal Tutor
Term 3
  • Attendance at all scheduled small-group teaching classes (seminars)
  • Attendance at Examinations and UCAS Briefing Session

    What happens if I miss a monitoring point?

    The department is required to comply with the University's 'Good Practice Guide on Monitoring Student Attendance and Progression' and it is important that you attend all monitoring points detailed above and through Tabula.

    If you are unable to attend a scheduled meeting with a Personal Tutor for genuine reasons, you must inform your Personal Tutor via email as soon as possible. Your Personal Tutor may choose to authorise a missed monitoring point if he/she feels your reasons are genuine and you have provided sufficient evidence (if requested).

    Actions following missed monitoring points may include:

    • A requirement to meet with your Personal Tutor to discuss your attendance
    • A formal letter from the department and/or university
    • A requirement to meet with any of the following members of staff:
      • Senior Tutor
      • Course Director
      • Director of Studies
      • Head of Department
    • A requirement to withdraw from the programme after referral to the Academic Registrar's Office

    Sponsored Students (studying via a Tier 4 (general) student visa)

    The Academic Office is obliged to report to the UK Border Agency of the Home Office if any students have been found not to be engaging with and attending their degree course. This has serious implications for your visa status.

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