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Under 18 Policy


As the Warwick International Foundation Programme (Warwick IFP) is designed to support a transition from school-leaving education to a university study, it is often common for students to be admitted onto the course between the age of 16 - 18. This policy outlines the expectations that the department has of its students, the support specifically available to students under the age of 18 and signposts to the University's Child Protection Policy.

Study Environment

The University of Warwick is an adult environment and students are expected to respond to this accordingly throughout their studies. We recognise that students studying the Warwick IFP are often at a transitional stage in their lives, with many students studying away from home for the first time.

To support students under the age of 18, the department will ensure:

  • A full induction programme is provided, with input from key university services, which will specifically identify matters relevant to students under the age of 18
  • That Personal Tutors and other academic staff are trained to be aware of the University's Child Protection and Safeguarding policies
  • That all students under the age of 18 receive a letter from the department clearly outlining support available to them during the course of the programme
  • That departmental risk assessments specifically consider the impact activities may have on students under the age of 18
  • That the department works closely with the Residential Life Team and Students' Union to mitigate any specific risks to Warwick IFP Students under the age of 18, either within student residences or at Students' Union events

Student expectations

Students under the age of 18 will be expected to understand that certain activities or actions may not be available to them due to their age. Students should be particularly aware that:

  • It is against the law to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol or drink alcohol in licenced premises (see
  • It is illegal for people under the age of 18 to be sold tobacco products or e-cigarettes (see UK Department of Health website)
  • It is illegal to sell or lend books, publications or other materials to people under the age of 18, where they are restricted to people over the age of 18
  • Students under the age of 18 will not be permitted to attend night-time events in the Students' Union (see

University Policies and Support

The University takes its responsibility towards students under the age of 18 seriously and has a number of policies in place to support such students:

If students within the department wish to discuss any matter outlined in this policy, they can do so with the Departmental Senior Tutor, or contact the University's Designated Person for Child Safeguarding via safeguarding at warwick dot ac dot uk