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Key Staff

Personal Tutors

Personal Tutors within Warwick Foundation Studies play a more active role than other academic departments and you will be expected to meet your Personal Tutor most weeks of the course.

In addition to being the first point of contact for most general academic matters, your Personal Tutor will be able to support you with:

  • Any academic or personal difficulties affecting your studies
  • Your UCAS application and the writing of your Personal Statement
  • Understanding the progress you are making on the course
  • Exploring options for future study after the programme

It is important that you attend all sessions scheduled with your Personal Tutor as many of these meetings will count towards your formal monitoring points.

You can find the details of your Personal Tutor through Tabula.

Senior Tutor

The Department's Senior Tutor is responsible for overseeing the Personal Tutor system within the department and for liaising with the University's Dean of Students Office about student welfare and pastoral policy within the department.

Senior Tutor: C dot Tilley dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk

Director of Studies

The Director of Studies is responsible for the overall design, delivery, evaluation and development of the Warwick

International Foundation Programme. The Director of Studies oversees the day-to-day academic operation of the department and is responsible for ensuring that all departmental quality assurance processes are followed and that students adhere to the department's policies relating to attendance and monitoring.

Director of Studies: Samantha Cook

Head of Department

The Head of Department is responsible for the overall management of the department and reports directly to the

University's Provost. If you wish to book an appointment with the Head of Department, please contact the Departmental Secretary.

Head of Department: Ines Molinaro

Other Academic Staff

Most academic staff within the department have specific responsibilities alongside their teaching commitments.

Please visit the department's 'People' pages for details of all staff within the department and their specific responsibilities.

Professional Services Team

The Professional service team are responsible for overseeing the successful administration of the Warwick IFP, including the operation of all non-academic systems and processes relating to the course.

In most circumstances, the Departmental Secretary should be your first contact within the Professional Services Team.

Departmental Administrator: Karl Waldron

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