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Pre-Sessional English CAS and Visa information

Face-to-face offer holders 

What happens once I have an unconditional offer for the Pre-sessional?

Once you have received an unconditional offer for your Pre-sessional English course, then the Admissions Team for your main degree course will be notified automatically.

They will then work to update the offer for your main degree course accordingly - you do not need to contact them to provide them with your Pre-sessional English offer. This process will usually take 3 working days (although this may be longer during busy periods).

When will I receive my CAS? How do I request my CAS?

Once there are less than 3 months before the Pre-sessional English course start date, the admissions team will begin looking at the CAS process.

The Postgraduate Admissions Service (or WMG Admissions Team) will then contact unconditional offer holders for the Pre-sessional by email to confirm whether you will be eligible for a Joint CAS - you can visit the Pre-sessional English CAS eligibility page to see if you are likely to receive a joint or single CAS: Pre-sessional English language- Joint or Single CAS? 

Once it has been established which CAS you will be eligible for (Joint or Single), you will receive an email for you to confirm the personal details that the University holds about you. Once you confirm your details are correct, you will be directed through to the CAS request form. You will need to complete the form as fully as possible as the University will use this form to assess your eligibility for student route sponsorship. Typically, where no further information is required, your CAS number will be processed within 10 working days of receipt of the request form.

You do not require a CAS or visa for the online Pre-Sessional English courses. Students on the undergraduate course will only receive their main course CAS once their engagement on the Pre-sessional English course is confirmed. When the student has received a CAS, they will be able to apply for a visa for their main degree course.