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Project Development Framework

Allowing departments, units and individuals to pursue a wide range of academic and commercial opportunities and interests is key to our success as an institution.

However, whilst it is importannt to continue to promote organic growth and the natural development of opportunities (outside of bureaucratic mechanisms), there is also a risk that doing so can often result in considerable time and effort exerted on activity that does not align with broader objectives or poses little chance of success.

The following pages outline a clear framework for the development of new activity within the department. The processes outlined here are designed to provide a clear roadmap from concept to delivery - enabling the department to more effectively identify, support and realise opportunities, wherever they arise.

Tom Such, Operations Director


The Project Development Framework (PDF) outlines a methodology for defining an opportunity (Business Case), developing a plan to deliver it (Project Initiation Document), keeping on track (Reporting Process) and providing a result (Post-Programme Report).

The processes and documents referred to in the PDF are well-established project-management tools used across the sector.

A note of caution

The fields of project management and higher education share two common components - acronyms and jargon. While considerable effort has been taken throughout these pages to make the language of the PDF as accessible and user-friendly as possible, some technical writing and acronyms do persist. You are therefore encouraged to familiarise yourself with the glossary of terms before proceeding with these pages.

A tale of two routes

This website has been, insofar as is possible, divided into two paths: one for those seeking a step-by-step guide to proceeding with your opportunity and the other providing a broader overview of the PDF. If you are planning on embarking on a new initiative, you will find the language on these pages more directive than you might find on the broader summary pages.

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