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BSNN 2022


Following a virtual event in 2021, being able to host the University of Warwick's annual Behavioural Science Networking Night back at the Shard, on 14 March 2022, was incredible.

BSNN provides an exclusive opportunity for leading behavioural insights organisations to network with students, each other, and to connect with academic researchers. University of Warwick's students are able to meet with experts, and learn how each organisation applies behavioural science. The event’s continued success is predicated on students receiving interviews and even job offers from employers who they interacted with at the event.

Companies in attendance included: Behaviour Lab, Behavioural Software Club, BVA Nudge Consulting, CogCo, Cowry Consulting, DecTech, Finance Conduct Authority, INFLUENCE AT WORK, Innovia Technology, The Behavioural Practice at Kantar Public, Ogilvy UK, Oxford Risk, SwissRe & iptiQ and the Behavioural Architects.