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  1. Acar, Burns
    The grey areas of knowledge management and the long shadow of the tacit-explicit dichotomy
  2. Bourgeon
    The emergence of project team organization: towards a redefinition of organizational knowledge
  3. Brauner, Becker
    Wormholes to organizational expertise: the management of metaknowledge
  4. Butler
    Communities as dynamic collaborative filters: modeling technology, knowledge, and structural change in e-mail based online communities
  5. Carey, Sedig
    Design experiments in knowledge management
  6. Carroll, Rudolph, Hatakenaka
    Learning from organizational experience
  7. Coen, Riolo
    El farol revisited: how people in large groups learn to coordinate through complementary scripts
  8. Corley, Gioia, Fabbri
    Organizational identity & learning: uncovering subtle aspects of organizational learning
  9. De Holan, Phillips
    Knowing, forgetting and learning once again: knowledge consolidation in service organizations
  10. Devos
    An articulation between organizational learning and individual competencies
  11. Evans, Easterby-Smith
    Three types of organizational knowledge: implications for the tacit-explicit and knowledge creation debates
  12. Falkenberg, Woiceshyn
    Organizational learning in the upstream petroleum industry
  13. Fontane, Houdayer
    Technological adaptation: the telecommunications operators and the internet
  14. Gerard
    The tacit knowing framework: a look at sustained competitive advantage under a unified tacit and explicit knowledge
  15. Gomez, Bouty, Drucker-Godard
    Knowing in practice : the case of French grands restaurants
  16. Goodman, Pearce, Wilson
    Conceptualizing group learning
  17. Gorelick, April
    Toward an understanding of organizational learning and knowledge management: a case study of structuration and sensemaking in British petroleum?s knowledge management team
  18. Graca
    Knowing as displacing: bringing university and industry together through the circulation of optical fibre sensors
  19. Gray
    A problem-solving perspective on knowledge management practices
  20. Hornett, State
    Various types of virtual endeavors with corresponding knowledge transfer strategies
  21. Huzzard, Oestergreni
    When logics collide ? learning and strategic dilemmas in heterogenous organizations
  22. Johnson, Bailey
    Validating an organizational action system model from a learning and performing perspective
  23. Kayes
    The fractured figure eight: exploring the relationship between social and personal knowledge
  24. Kleysen
    Cumulating knowledge: an elaboration and extension of crossan, lane, & white?s framework for organizational learning
  25. Lee
    Cultural barriers to the learning organization in Chinese society
  26. Matthews, Shulman
    Questioning knowledge transfer and learning processes across r&d project teams
  27. Nag
    Toward group learning as group learning
  28. Nissley, Casey
    Viewing corporate museums through the paradigmatic lens of organizational memory: the politics of the exhibition
  29. Ren
    Simulating the Role of Transactive Memory in Group Performance
  30. Simard, Rice
    The practice gap: barriers to the diffusion of best practices
  31. Simpson, Large, O'brien
    Towards dialogue: bridging cultural differences between professionals and managers
  32. Simpson, Seidel, Byrne, Woods
    Technological learning: towards an integrated model
  33. Skilton
    Learning to be situated: a theory of portable integration expertise and its implications for process knowledge management and organizational flexibility
  34. Soenen, Moingeon
    Knowledge management : taking power dynamics seriously
  35. Sole, Edmondson
    Situated knowledge and learning in dispersed teams
  36. Sugarman
    Push and grow theories in change management: gateways to understanding organizational learning
  37. Sukowski, Eppler
    Fostering the motivation to share knowledge
  38. Vera, Crossan
    Organizational learning, knowledge management, and intellectual capital: an integrative conceptual model
  39. Villardi, Leitao
    The learning organisation concept to develop organisational learning and change
  40. Vince
    Power and emotion in organisational learning
  41. Vogus, Sutcliffe
    Requisite variety and firm performance: an empirical exploration
  42. Zietsma, Winn, Branzei And Vertinsky
    The war of the woods: processes of organizational learning and institutional change