- Acar, Burns
The grey areas of knowledge management and the long shadow of the tacit-explicit dichotomy - Bourgeon
The emergence of project team organization: towards a redefinition of organizational knowledge - Brauner, Becker
Wormholes to organizational expertise: the management of metaknowledge - Butler
Communities as dynamic collaborative filters: modeling technology, knowledge, and structural change in e-mail based online communities - Carey, Sedig
Design experiments in knowledge management - Carroll, Rudolph, Hatakenaka
Learning from organizational experience - Coen, Riolo
El farol revisited: how people in large groups learn to coordinate through complementary scripts - Corley, Gioia, Fabbri
Organizational identity & learning: uncovering subtle aspects of organizational learning - De Holan, Phillips
Knowing, forgetting and learning once again: knowledge consolidation in service organizations - Devos
An articulation between organizational learning and individual competencies - Evans, Easterby-Smith
Three types of organizational knowledge: implications for the tacit-explicit and knowledge creation debates - Falkenberg, Woiceshyn
Organizational learning in the upstream petroleum industry - Fontane, Houdayer
Technological adaptation: the telecommunications operators and the internet - Gerard
The tacit knowing framework: a look at sustained competitive advantage under a unified tacit and explicit knowledge - Gomez, Bouty, Drucker-Godard
Knowing in practice : the case of French grands restaurants - Goodman, Pearce, Wilson
Conceptualizing group learning - Gorelick, April
Toward an understanding of organizational learning and knowledge management: a case study of structuration and sensemaking in British petroleum?s knowledge management team - Graca
Knowing as displacing: bringing university and industry together through the circulation of optical fibre sensors - Gray
A problem-solving perspective on knowledge management practices - Hornett, State
Various types of virtual endeavors with corresponding knowledge transfer strategies - Huzzard, Oestergreni
When logics collide ? learning and strategic dilemmas in heterogenous organizations - Johnson, Bailey
Validating an organizational action system model from a learning and performing perspective - Kayes
The fractured figure eight: exploring the relationship between social and personal knowledge - Kleysen
Cumulating knowledge: an elaboration and extension of crossan, lane, & white?s framework for organizational learning - Lee
Cultural barriers to the learning organization in Chinese society - Matthews, Shulman
Questioning knowledge transfer and learning processes across r&d project teams - Nag
Toward group learning as group learning - Nissley, Casey
Viewing corporate museums through the paradigmatic lens of organizational memory: the politics of the exhibition - Ren
Simulating the Role of Transactive Memory in Group Performance - Simard, Rice
The practice gap: barriers to the diffusion of best practices - Simpson, Large, O'brien
Towards dialogue: bridging cultural differences between professionals and managers - Simpson, Seidel, Byrne, Woods
Technological learning: towards an integrated model - Skilton
Learning to be situated: a theory of portable integration expertise and its implications for process knowledge management and organizational flexibility - Soenen, Moingeon
Knowledge management : taking power dynamics seriously - Sole, Edmondson
Situated knowledge and learning in dispersed teams - Sugarman
Push and grow theories in change management: gateways to understanding organizational learning - Sukowski, Eppler
Fostering the motivation to share knowledge - Vera, Crossan
Organizational learning, knowledge management, and intellectual capital: an integrative conceptual model - Villardi, Leitao
The learning organisation concept to develop organisational learning and change - Vince
Power and emotion in organisational learning - Vogus, Sutcliffe
Requisite variety and firm performance: an empirical exploration - Zietsma, Winn, Branzei And Vertinsky
The war of the woods: processes of organizational learning and institutional change