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Public Confidence in Policing

This project was a 12 month Research Fellowship funded by the British Academy and awarded to Professor Kevin Morrell of Warwick Business School: here are his work profile and website 

The British Academy granted 35 of these awards that year. They "fund research in fields from archaeology to economics, from psychology to history, and from literature to law – producing knowledge, insights and ideas that help to address the great challenges of our time."

The research - which is ongoing - involves analysing a large amount of survey data that has been collected on behalf of West Midlands Police over the last 12 years. The main aim is to try to develop fresh insights into public confidence. A related aim is to engage people in a conversation about the topic of policing, and about how social scientists carry out research.

There are four other pages on the site:

1. What is "public confidence" - introduces the 'big questions': why is confidence in policing important? how can it be measured? can we improve measurement?

2. Events - describes the two main events: a launch and a conference (with video from contributors)

3. Publications and Talks - links to publications in various media and presentations

4. Join the Conversation - has posts on different themes in the project - you can also comment, anonymously if you want by clicking a link.


The video below gives a short overview of the project.