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Workshop in Finance Development, London, April 2022

This workshop will provide a forum to present and discuss early-stage results and recent working papers on the core themes of our WEFIDEV community: corporate finance, banking, household finance, microfinance, insurance—focusing mainly on low and middle income countries (or historical work from high-income countries).

We invite expressions of interest for presentations. In the same spirit as the WEFIDEV seminars, we will accept both early-stage work and more mature papers. The conference will be a small, in-person event and is open to junior, non-tenure researchers working in Finance and Development. For more information on the WEFIDEV seminars, refer to this linkLink opens in a new window.

Keynote speakers:

Tavneet Suri Link opens in a new window(MIT Sloan and CEPR)

Chris WoodruffLink opens in a new window (University of Oxford and CEPR)

To submit a contribution, please complete this formLink opens in a new window by January 31st (or the CEPR portalLink opens in a new window). Acceptance decisions will be communicated shortly after this deadline. To make a submission via the CEPR portal, please see the details below.

Authors who are CEPR affiliated or already have a CEPR profile can upload their submission by:

1) Going to opens in a new window and log in to the CEPR portal

2) If you are a member of the DE programme areas click on "Change registration details", complete the requested information and click "Submit information"

3) If you are affiliated to another programme area or not CEPR affiliated but have a CEPR profile, click on "Step 1: Apply" and complete the requested information and click "Register"

Authors who do not have a CEPR profile can upload their submission by:

1) Creating a new profile here opens in a new window

2) Go to opens in a new window and log in to the CEPR portal

3) Click on "Step 1: Apply" and complete the requested information and click "Register".

Organising Committee:

Fri 10 Dec 2021, 16:10