How are we doing it?
We are conducting research, co-produced with care leavers as research associates. Having been through or undergoing transition, the voice and experience of care leavers is central because innovation will improve their futures. Alongside stakeholders drawn from Government departments, Local Authorities and charitable organisations, we are also aiming to bring practitioners, policy-makers and care leavers together to bring about positive change for care leavers.
The study has multiple phases, beginning with mapping and understanding the current landscape of care leavers’ innovation and engaging with stakeholders: EXIT SCOPING REVIEW OF INNOVATION IN THE UK (2010-2020): SUMMARY REPORT. We then will explore 12 examples identified in the first phase, undertaking interviews with frontline professionals, caregivers and, where possible, young people. Alongside these cases, we will also explore how innovation outcomes are evaluated and the bearing this has on how innovations are implemented, adapted or rejected. Each phase will then be combined in analysis, to understand the complex journey of how innovation for care leavers develops, spreads and sustains over time and in different contexts.
The final phase of the EXIT study will involve sharing the findings with the wider community of practitioners and policy makers, facilitated through an advisory board of key stakeholders. Keeping focus squarely on care leavers, we will support our co-researchers to create resources for organisations wanting to engage care leavers in future co-production of research.
Get a full overview:
This report provides a summary of findings from a scoping review to explore what innovation currently exists across the United Kingdom for young people leaving care. Findings reveal the geographical extent of innovation for young people transitioning from care to adulthood over the past decade (2010-2020) and highlighted potential areas in which young people looked after may undergo transition. Five strategic recommendations for policy makers and practitioners are offered to consider in future development of innovation.