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ORMS PhD Seminar Announcement

Title: Resource developing managerial decision process under causally ambiguous resource system

 Speaker: Kyung Hyun Kenn Huh

Date and Time: Wednesday 16 January 2013, 11:30-12:30

Location: E2.02 (Social Studies Building)


The Resource-based view (RBV) (Barney, 1991) suggests that the firm heterogeneity arises from heterogeneous possessions of different resource sets between firms. However, the theory faced challenges in explaining how the firm reached to possess such resource sets. Following the Dynamic RBV (Foss, Klein, Kor, & Mahoney, 2008; Kunc & Morecroft, 2010), I hypothesised and tested that the resource based strategies are determined by subjective managerial decision processes. A behavioural simulation was conducted to two controlled groups, one with a comprehensive understanding of the resource system and the other with an incomprehensive understanding. Through the simulation, it was confirmed that experiencing causal ambiguity towards the resource system leads managers to develop their resources slowly and more subjectively, which negatively affects the performance.

Mon 14 Jan 2013, 12:23

New academic posts available!

We are continuing our search for top-flight talent to join our outstanding faculty. Applications are invited at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in Operational Research and Management Science.

For more information, click here

Wed 21 Nov 2012, 17:56


DIMAP/WBS PhD Seminar Announcement

Title: Effectiveness of Demand-side Management on Balancing Energy Supply and Demand

Speaker: Fei Liu

Date and Time: Wednesday 21 November 2012, 16:00-17:00 Location: B3.09 (WBS Scarman Rd)

Abstract: Electricity cannot be stored in large quantities, the amount generated at any instant should not be higher than the amount required by the demand. Insufficient supply cause outage and excess supply incur congestion. Therefore, balancing supply and demand in the network is absolutely vital. One possible way to deal with this problem is Demand-side management (DSM), which refers to actions, policies or programs that aim to alter end-users' electricity consumption habits either by a reduction or change in the patterns of electricity use. It includes several different load shape objectives such as load management, energy efficiency or electrification. Potential benefits of DSM will be discussed in the context of generation, transmission and distribution network. Furthermore, the possible reasons for relatively slow uptake of DSM will be presented too.

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 10:07

ORMS Group Seminar

Speaker: Dr Wenjuan Zhang

Title: Whole life cost modelling in asset management and other research interests

Date: Wednesday 14th November 2012

Venue: Room E2.02, WBS Social Sciences

Time: 14.00 hrs

Mon 05 Nov 2012, 14:47

IBM Optimisation Forum for Financial Services

Nalan Gulpinar, Associate Professor in the ORMS group at Warwick Business School, will give a presentation on "Asset Allocation Strategies Using Robust Optimisation: Models & Solution Approaches" at the upcoming IBM Optimisation Forum for Financial Services.



As banks and financial institutions start to emerge from a prolonged financial downturn, they face a host of challenges. Disruptive forces continue to ripple through the finance industry changing the market and impacting the businesses, such as:

• New regulations
• New capital requirements
• New technologies

Optimisation technologies have become key tools in making important business decisions that increase competitive advantage. Optimisation, through the use of advanced mathematics and computer science techniques, is used to assist organisations with solving their complex business problems. The models which capture trade-off between optimum resource allocation and risk minimisation are gaining increasing importance in Banking, Portfolio Construction, Asset and Liability Management, Trade Settlement and Clearing and Cash Management. Recent developments and growing applications of quadratic optimisation, stochastic optimisation and robust optimisation in these domains and the role of modelling systems and solvers will be presented and discussed.

More information can be found here.

Wed 24 Oct 2012, 13:03

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