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Jobs in Business Analytics/Operational Research

Link Collection on Jobs for Graduates

Please note: The purpose of this page is not to recommend particular companies, but to support students in their job search.

Major Employers

British Airways Company quote:

"Our Operational Research (OR) people make a huge contribution to British Airways' strategic direction, profitability and performance. We have one of the strongest OR groups in the UK, working right across the business from Strategy to Operations to Marketing and more."

"Revenue Management is about forecasting demand and setting the prices for all the different seats that are available daily across our network. Our yield experts control around 650,000 British Airways flight sectors a year, with each flight typically split into some 26 selling classes or yield bands."

Tesco Company quote: "Operations Research Analysts: We are seeking Analysts to work alongside experienced managers. The role is highly analytical - much of the work focuses on improving how we get stock into stores by developing better store and distribution centre algorithms, systems or processes."
Barclays Company quote: "The Quantitative Analytics group works closely with the relevant business areas of Barclays Capital to understand their requirements and propose solutions to assist in the generation of revenue and the management of the firm’s capital base."
IBM Company quote: "IBM's ability to apply business analytics and open up important new possibilities for clients promises to transform the way consulting is practiced. Bringing together sophisticated analytics from IBM Research with market-leading software platforms, strong industry insight and business consulting expertise, IBM's Business Analytics and Optimization (BAO) service line helps clients gain greater precision and predictability for every business decision they make."

Recruitment Agencies

DataTechLink opens in a new window

Company quote: "Datatech's unique fusion of market knowledge with optimal sourcing ability, enables us to maintain the rigorous levels of accuracy and service quality expected by our long-standing list of clients. This is why many consider Datatech to be the leading supplier of professionals in the operational research and statistics field. People registering with Datatech are often qualified to degree, M.Sc. or higher level in one or more of the following disciplines; Statistics, Economics, Operational Research, Management Science Mathematics, Business Management, Computer Science."

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The Operational Research Society

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The Operational Research Society's Job Advertisments [ opens in a new window]

HM Revenue & Customs

GORS LogoLink opens in a new window

OR analysts tackle a vast range of political, economic and social issues across more than 25 government departments and agencies. Customers exist at all levels throughout Government; from team managers, through policy makers to Ministers and Secretaries of State. To apply, you will need (or be working towards) a first class or 2:1 degree in a numerate subject or have a 2:2 degree with significant relevant work experience. Applicants will typically be studying Operational Research, Mathematics, Physics or Management Sciences, though candidates will come from a variety of backgrounds.

GORS follows Cabinet Office guidance on Nationality and Immigration requirements. Please ensure you meet the criteria before applying.

For more information, visit the GORS websiteLink opens in a new window.

Academia opens in a new window Jobs in science, research, academic and administrative employment in the UK & abroad.