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Confluence: Situating the Environmental Humanities


Thursday 30 May 2024




Drinks Reception

Display/Discussion of Coventry Biennial/Warwick Transformations Artwork, "Memories of a Future City"

With Paul Lemmon (artist) and Graeme Macdonald (researcher-collaborator). FAB 501-03

Friday 31 May 2024

09.30 - 10.00 Coffee
10.00 - 11.00

Keynote by Dr. Mike Niblett: “West Midlands in the World-Ecology.” With respondents and roundtable including colleagues from across the Faculty of Arts and partner CC institutions. Breakout groups focusing investigation of the keyword ‘sustainability’ on different areas: energy, water, food, migration, transport. Discussion and networking. Respondents: Graeme Macdonald (ECLS), Shaul Bassi (Venice), Myka Tucker-Abramson (ECLS). FAB Rooms 501-03

11.00 - 11.15 Coffee
11.15 - 12.15

Roundtable: On the role(s) and defining challenges of environmental humanities research in a time of crisis. If EH develops across academic disciplines out of a belated recognition of the impact, scale and intensity of climate and ‘nature’ emergencies in the Capitalocene, what is its role both in the propagation of new knowledge and the coordination of existing knowledge production? In what ways might EH research contribute not only to theoretical debates within the humanities but also to debates in the larger arenas of social and political struggle? Tom Simpson (Warwick), Moritz Ingwersen (TU Dresden), Fabienne Viala (Warwick), Nina Vieira (Nova, Lisbon), Tiago de Luca (Warwick), Lucio De Capitani (Ca'Foscari, Venice), moderated by Nick Lawrence (Warwick). FAB Rooms 501-03

12.15 - 13.30

Lunch - Networking and Breakout themes/issues. FAB Floor Five.