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The human right to vaccines during COVID-19

As part of our increased engagement with North America and in particular the University of Toronto, we are delighted to announce that Professor Sharifah Sekalala, School of Law will host a lunchtime talk from visiting speaker Professor Lisa Forman, University of Toronto.

The human right to vaccines during COVID-19

Professor Forman will discuss disparities in access to COVID-19 vaccines from the perspective of human rights, considering, in particular the ongoing development of a right to medicines and vaccines, as well as the implications of current developments (such as the international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness, which is currently in negotiation).

Please join Professor Sekalala and Professor Forman for a light lunch after which the talk will begin.

Time/Date: Lunch at 12.30, talk from 1-2pm, Friday 3rd March

Venue: Social Sciences, room 1.50

Please register below if you wish to attend.

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About the speaker:

Professor Lisa Forman is the Canada Research Chair in Human Rights and Global Health Equity and an Associate Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.

She is an international human rights law scholar whose research explores how the right to health may contribute to advancing health equity, including in relation to access to medicines, universal health coverage, global health policy, pandemic responses, and COVID-19. Professor Forman’s work has been supported by the CIHR, the European Commission, the World Health Organization, and the Lupina Foundation. 

Professor Forman qualified as an attorney of the High Court of South Africa, with a BA and LLB from the University of the Witwatersrand. Her graduate studies include a Master’s in Human Rights Studies from Columbia University and a Doctorate in Juridical Science from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law.