University of Warwick Podcasts
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China - Economic Miracle or Economic Timebomb?
16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006
The growth of China in recent years has been described as an economic miracle with Western companies and governments rushing to build partnerships with the new power in the East. The opening up of the Chinese market and the expansion of industry, technology and production within the country has, however, had a profound effect on the people of China, its political leaders and the rest of the world. This impact can be seen in the growing inequalities within China, the loss of jobs in the west and the effect on the price of key resources such as oil. The ability of both China and other nations to successfully manage these changing relationships will influence the lives of billions of people. Professor Shaun Breslin is a member of the Department of Politics and International Studies. Professor Breslin has written extensively on China and its global relationships. Length: 29 minutes
(MP3 format, 27 MB)
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