University of Warwick Podcasts
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The Experience of Muslims in British and French Prisons
16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006
According to new research there is a significant difference in the way that the British and French prison systems treat Muslim prisoners. Taking the prison experience as a microcosm of both French and British society, Professor Joly explores the issues of national identity, multiculturalism and ethnic or regligous tensions within both countries and how the state has responded to the challenges. Touching on the recent riots across France, Professor Joly raises serious concers about the ability of the French Government to respond effectively to the crisis and questions some of the fundamental assumptions about what it is to be French. Professor Danièle Joly is a Director of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations at the University of Warwick and has published on Muslim populations in Britain, on ethnic relations and on refugees. Length: 21 minutes
(MP3 format, 20 MB)
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