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Ian Stewart's Maths Challenges

Alien Encounter

09:54, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Mathematical Logical puzzle.

(MP4 format, 16 MB)


Alien Encounter Answer

09:53, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Mathematical logical puzzle.

(MP4 format, 4.0 MB)


Langford's Cubes

09:51, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Mathematical patterns using building blocks.

(MP4 format, 12 MB)


Langford's Cubes Answer

09:50, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Mathematical patterns with building blocks.

(MP4 format, 2.8 MB)


Empty Glasses

09:46, Wed 19 Nov 2008

How do you rearrange the glasses so the full glasses alternate?

(MP4 format, 1.6 MB)


Empty Glasses Answer

09:45, Wed 19 Nov 2008

How do you rearrange the glasses so the full glasses alternate?

(MP4 format, 2.4 MB)


Cherry in a glass

09:40, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Can you get the cherry out of the glass?

(MP4 format, 3.7 MB)


Cherry in a glass- Answer

09:38, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Can you get the cherry out of the glass?

(MP4 format, 1.1 MB)


Six Pens

09:35, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Farmer Hogswill needs to pen his prize pigs.

(MP4 format, 4.9 MB)


Six Pens - Answer

09:33, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Farmer Hogswill needs to pen in his prize pigs.

(MP4 format, 1.2 MB)


Scrabble Oddity - Answer

09:31, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Which positive integer is equal to its letter score in Scrabble?

(MP4 format, 2.6 MB)


Scrabble Oddity

09:26, Wed 19 Nov 2008

Which positive integer is equal to its letter score in scrabble?

(MP4 format, 5.6 MB)
