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Prof Shaun Breslin - Will China rule the world?

15:16, Thu 3 Jan 2013

Professor Shaun Breslin speaks on China as part of the Warwick East Asia Study Group Lecture Series, China's leadership transition: New faces awaiting similar challenges?

(MP3 format, 28 MB)


Distinguished Lecture Series - Mind the Gap: Politics, Economics and Technological Change

10:20, Wed 19 Dec 2012

Professor Ian Goldin delivers a lecture entitled 'Mind the Gap: Politics, Economics and Technological Change'. Part of the Distinguished Lecture Series.

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The Santa Booster

10:18, Tue 18 Dec 2012

Nick Barker is a Teaching Fellow and Outreach Officer in the Department of Chemistry. He is also the lead academic for the IGGY chemistry programme. In July 2012, Nick was the winner of a Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence.

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A Medieval Christmas

10:17, Tue 18 Dec 2012

Amanda Hopkins is a tutor in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies. Amanda was also awarded a commendation in the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence in July 2012.

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Charitable giving at Christmas

10:16, Tue 18 Dec 2012

Kimberley Scharf is a Professor of Economics and co-founder of Public Economics UK. Kimberley teaches on a number of modules in the Department of Economics and is an elected member of the Royal Economic Society.

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Christmas Time- A Labour of Love?

10:15, Tue 18 Dec 2012

Sam Lyle is a Postgraduate Research Fellow in the Department of Sociology. Sam was also a winner of a Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence for Postgraduate Research Students in September 2012.

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Christmas Trees & Cheetahs' Tails

10:13, Tue 18 Dec 2012

Ian Stewart is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Digital Media Fellow. He has been an academic at Warwick for over 40 years. Prof. Stewart is also a widely published author whose works include Prof. Stewart’s Hoard of Mathematical Treasures and 17 Equations That Changed the World.

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Aeneas Wilder - Untitled #162

11:16, Mon 10 Dec 2012

Aeneas Wilder talks about his sculptural work, Untitled #162 at the Mead Gallery.

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10:21, Mon 10 Dec 2012


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VandeLinde Ledture with Sir Richard Lambert

12:08, Fri 7 Dec 2012

‘Ripping across the Atlantic: how the Eurozone crisis will affect the US’ - The Eurozone crisis has profound implications for the US, in at least three respects. US banks are closely intertwined with those of Europe. The impact of a banking shock would not stop at the east coast of the Atlantic. US companies have very large direct investments in Western Europe, and transatlantic trade is important to them. A prolonged slowdown in Europe would leave a mark on the US economy. Europe is a major strategic partner of the US, through NATO and a string of bilateral relationships. How might these relationships change in the years ahead?

(MP4 format, 285 MB)


Conserved Regulatory Sequences in Plants

15:01, Wed 28 Nov 2012

A team at the University of Warwick has run a computational analysis on the genome of four different plant species. Their findings uncover hundreds of conserved non-coding sequences and promise to shed light on the regulation of plant genes.

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The Future of Household Food Security in the UK

09:22, Wed 28 Nov 2012

Growing numbers of people in the UK are going hungry because they cannot afford to buy food. In 2011-12 food banks fed 130,000 people nationwide, a 100% rise on the previous year, but these charities are struggling to cope with demand, and no policy strategy has been put forward to relieve the strain. In this podcast, recorded at an Industry and Parliament Trust briefing, Lord Cameron of Dillington (All-Party Parliamentary Group for Agriculture and Food for Development) interviews two experts in the field: Professor Elizabeth Dowler, Professor of Sociology and trustee of the Food Ethics Council, and Mr Roly Taplin from the Transport Division, DHL Supply Chain. He asks: how do we ensure that everyone has access to affordable, nutritious food? The speakers debate the role of food banks, the impact of rising living costs, and the contributions that government and industry can make to solving this problem.

(MP3 format, 13 MB)


How much risk is too much?

09:20, Wed 28 Nov 2012

What are the main threats to business today, and how can Government support industry in facing these risks? In this podcast, recorded at an Industry and Parliament Trust briefing, the Right Hon Hazel Blears MP talks to two experts in the field, Dr Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor, Associate Professor at Warwick Business School, and Mr Richard Waterer of Marsh Risk Consulting. They discuss the range of risks that businesses face in the 21st century, from natural disasters to political instability, and the challenges for inexperienced managers during a recession. The panellists emphasise the importance of strategic decision-making at senior levels as well as identifying unexpected threats such as supply chain failure and understanding the appetite for risk within a company. They also debate the role of government in providing incentives for businesses to take more risks.

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Dr Tim Lockley talks about Kirsten Flagstad

16:42, Mon 26 Nov 2012

Dr Annette Rubery interviews Dr Tim Lockley about the Norwegian soprano Kirsten Flagstad's many Wagnerian roles, and about his research into intermission features at the Metropolitan Opera in New York during the 1940-41 season, and what they reveal about American culture. The recordings used here are copyright-free and have been provided by Dr Lockley from his personal collection.

(MP3 format, 16 MB)


Global Material Culture - Prof Giorgio Riello and Dr Glenn Adamson

15:31, Tue 13 Nov 2012

In this podcast, Professor Giorgio Riello (Warwick) talks to Dr Glenn Adamson (Head of Research at the V&A) about a curious Robert Adam cabinet from the 1770s. This is part of a Knowledge Centre series in Global Material Culture.

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Global Material Culture - Prof Giorgio Riello and Dr Rosemary Crill

15:30, Tue 13 Nov 2012

In this podcast, Professor Giorgio Riello (Warwick) talks to Dr Rosemary Crill (Senior Curator (South Asia) in the Asian Department of the V&A) about a piece of 18th-century mordant dyed Indian cloth. This is part of a Knowledge Centre series in Global Material Culture.

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Global Material Culture - Prof Giorgio Riello and Dr Marta Ajmar

15:28, Tue 13 Nov 2012

In this podcast, Professor Giorgio Riello (Warwick) talks to Dr Marta Ajmar (Acting Head of Graduate Studies at the V&A) about a 17th-century lacquer Japanese tankard. This is part of a Knowledge Centre series in Global Material Culture.

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Dr Alice mah snippet

13:05, Tue 13 Nov 2012

Dr Alice mah snippet

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Dr Alice Mah talks about her new book on industrial decline

12:54, Tue 13 Nov 2012

Dr Alice Mah talks about her new book on industrial decline

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Dr Steve Koonin introduces CUSP

12:23, Fri 9 Nov 2012

Dr Annette Rubery talks to Dr Steve Koonin about the CUSP project.

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