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Involving parents and carers is key part of successful careers guidance, new report reveals

The role of parents and carers in providing careers guidance and how they can be better supported, a new report from Warwick's Institute for Employment Research, presents evidence from the UK and abroad to make the case for strong relationships between schools and homes when it comes to careers advice and guidance, and highlights practical ways parents and carers can get more involved in helping their children think about careers.

Lifetime achivement award for careers expert Professor Jenny Bimrose

Professor Jenny Bimrose, Emeritus Professor at Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research (IER), has been awarded the 2020 Rodney Cox Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her sustained and significant contribution to the careers sector in which she has worked in for over 40 years as a practitioner, educator and researcher.

Organisations should challenge gendered attitudes to encourage family-friendly working policies and practices.

Organisations should challenge gendered attitudes and approaches towards flexible working to help encourage family-friendly working policies and practices, a new report led by researchers from the University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research (IER) and conducted for the Government Equalities Office has found.


Tue 22 Oct 2019, 09:15 | Tags: Institute for Employment Research

Researchers urge “recession generation” of graduates to have their say in the 2019 Futuretrack survey

Researchers at the University of Warwick have launched a fifth wave of their unique Futuretrack survey, a UK-wide project following undergraduates who took up their university places in 2006 or in 2007 (after a gap year) to get a clear picture of the opportunities and obstacles faced by the generation of students who graduated just after the 2008 financial crisis – and they want to encourage as many previous participants as possible to get back in touch.

Co-operatives and social enterprises may hold the key to more and better jobs

Academics from Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research have found that co-operatives and social enterprises achieve employment growth at least on a par with other types of organisation, and also create good quality jobs. The research is published by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound).

Financial returns, job prospects and lifestyle factors drive young people’s post-18 choices

Young people are making decisions about what they plan to do after leaving formal education as early as Year 7 or 8, with parents, teachers and friends being their preferred information sources, according to a new report by the University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research for the Department for Education.

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