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Meet the Team

Meet the Core Team

Catherine Louch

Project Co-Lead and Creative Visionary of W4W

I joined the Business Partnerships team at Warwick in 2023, where I weave connections between the Faculty of Arts, the Warwick Manufacturing Group, and external partners, nurturing opportunities for research and education. My journey through the Higher Education sector has been rich with experiences, allowing me to cultivate strategic partnerships and help academics blossom through external engagement.

Away from work, I cherish my role as a parent governor at my 9-year-old daughter’s school, contributing to the nurturing of young minds. Additionally, as a board member of the Leicester Print Workshop, I meld my strategic insight with my passion for arts and culture, supporting a vibrant creative community.

Rachael Kirwan

Project Co-Lead and Creative Visionary of W4W

My journey at Warwick began as a Philosophy undergraduate over 26 years ago, and I'm a proud alumna of this vibrant institution. Over the years, I've had the privilege of gaining a diverse range of experiences, which have equipped me to work collaboratively with a multifaceted perspective.

I find great joy in connecting with people and leveraging my experience to facilitate meaningful collaborations and build fruitful networks. I thrive on ‘joining the dots’ and exploring the potential of each new journey.

If I had to choose a favourite moment at Warwick, it would be right now! Although my husband might argue that it was when I met him here at Warwick!

Nikita Asnani

UX Designer

I am a dynamic content creator, humanitarian engineer, design thinker, and facilitator. With a background in Humanitarian Engineering, I enjoy designing webpages and creating visuals across various mediums, including reels, posters, infographics, and storyboards.

As a student researcher for the WIHEA-funded project Empowering Authentic Student Voices in a Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Context, I co-created the podcast, Snakes and Ladders, inviting diverse community members to discuss decolonising, queering, and challenging ableist views in the curriculum at Warwick.

Currently, I am writing a book on creative confidence, design thinking, and gratitude for children.

Maureen Onwunali

Project intern

I am a Dublin-born, Nigerian spoken word artist. In 2021, I won the title of Roundhouse Poetry Slam champion - winning both the audience and judges vote, a first in the competition’s history, whilst also going on to become a finalist in the BBC Words First development scheme later that same year.

In 2022, I was a keynote speaker at the annual Lit in Colour student conference in collaboration with Pearson and Penguin. My debut collection, Homegrown, was published by Fem Press in the summer of 2023.

Away from the stage, I am a final-year Politics and Sociology student at the University of Warwick. There, I am the co-founder and creative director of black [untitled], a student-led collective for creatives on campus.