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We look forward to welcoming you all on the 13th June at The Oculus, located on University Rd, Coventry CV4 7EQ.

Please do use our University Virtual Map for directions to the venue.

If you are travelling by car please do check here for more information about car parking.

For any questions please contact:

9am – 9:30am

Registration and Welcome Drinks

To take place in the Foyer of the Oculus Building, University of Warwick

9:30am - 11am

Dr. Chris Turner - UHCW and Civility Saves lives

Why civility matters in a complex world

Have you ever had a professional interaction that has left you feeling disrespected? Left you feeling distracted and not performing at your best? It turns out that this isn’t just you, it’s all of us.

Most excellent healthcare is dependent on teams, and teams work best when all members feel safe and have a voice. Civility between team members creates that sense of safety and is a key ingredient of great teams. Incivility, on the other hand, robs teams of their potential.

This event will be in-person at the Oculus Building, University of Warwick and online

11am - 11:30am

Refreshment break

To take place in the Foyer of the Oculus Building, University of Warwick

11:30am -12:30am

Dr. Chris Turner UHCW and Civility Saves lives

Chris will be continuing on civility in the workplace.

This event will be in-person at the Oculus Building, University of Warwick and online

12:30pm -13:30pm


To take place in the Foyer of the Oculus Building, University of Warwick

13:30pm -14:00pm

Dr Rika Nair, Research Culture Manager, University of Warwick

Rika will present a talk on the research culture perspective and the bigger picture.

This event will be in-person at the Oculus Building, University of Warwick and online

14:00pm - 15:30pm

Parallel Sessions

Session 1 Bhavika Patel, Senior Business Psychologist rom Lexxic will run a session as part of Warwick's inclusion passport. (Please note that attendance will be limited to 20 at the Oculus Building, University of Warwick)

Session 2 Toni Horn from Think Differently will speak and include a seminar and discussion on Becoming an Inclusive leader – our leaders of the future. This event will be in-person at the Oculus Building, University of Warwick and online


Closing Talks and Feedback session

Please note that the end time is approximate