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University of Warwick launches UK’s first National Centre for Research Culture

Warwick has launched the first National Centre for Research Culture which aims to bring together colleagues from across the sector to share best practice; collectively putting inclusivity, collaboration and investment in people at the heart of research culture across the UK’s Higher Education sector.

Thu 27 Jul 2023, 15:54 | Tags: research-culture

Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot

The University of Warwick launched its Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot on 21st July 2023, only the second of its kind in the UK.

The Technical Specialists Promotional Pathway Pilot will enable the highly talented technical specialists at the University of Warwick to progress based on merit for their direct inputs to research, teaching and training, outreach and knowledge exchange. This is in alignment with the recommendations from the TALENT Commission.

Wed 26 Jul 2023, 10:59 | Tags: research-culture

3 Enhancing Research Culture initiatives shortlisted at the 2023 Social Inclusion Staff Awards

  • Craig Carnegie was nominated for his work to support and create employability programmes for young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds in WMG.
  • Colleagues in Education Studies (James Burford, Emily Henderson, Sophia Kier-Byfield, Dangeni, and Ahmad Akkad) were nominated for their project to centre inclusion in the informal communications that take place between potential doctoral applicants and university staff.
  • Colleagues in Education Studies (James Burford, Emily Henderson, Sophia Kier-Byfield, Dangeni, and Ahmad Akkad) were nominated for their project to centre inclusion in the informal communications that take place between potential doctoral applicants and university staff.
Wed 07 Jun 2023, 15:47 | Tags: research-culture

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