RCEN Resources
Rika Nair
- Parity of esteem for enablers
- What works to tackle bullying and harassment
- Fixed term contracts
Carole Harris
- Good research practices
- Collaboration
- Job satisfaction and wellbeing of researchers and research enablers
Adele Kenny
- Wellbeing
- Career and talent development
- Collegiality, citizenship and collaboration
- Research process (PPIE, Integrity and Open Research)
Josh Mead
- Widening participation
- Better valuing researchers time
- Career diversity and mobility
Hanna Groothuizen
johanna.groothuizen@kcl.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
- Wellbeing and work-life balance
- Bullying and harassment
- Job security
Isabella von Holstein
- Research manager upskilling, recognition, progression
- Creating psychological safety in academia (and developing evidence-based practice for this)
Elisa Clemente
e.clemente@imperial.ac.ukLink opens in a new window
- EDI and widening participation
- Tackling bullying and harassment
- Wellbeing and mental health
Hayley Clissold
- Representative and equitable research
- Researcher development
- Visibility and recognition
Colleen Thomas
- Parity of esteem for enablers
- Valuing curvy career paths
- Mentoring
- Measuring research culture
Nick Mithen
- Research culture enhancement as institutional capacity building
- Enhancing research leadership to improve research culture
- Mentoring/coaching
- Recognition
Yasmine Rhoseyn
- Improving research culture through working across borders/ collaborative working
- Professional development and career stability and growth
- Recognising diversity across research contributions
- Open and transparent research and decision making
- Strong communications planning
Zoe Ayres
- Sustainability of careers/progression
- Support for disabled researchers and staff
- Embedding equitable practices sector-wide
- Wellbeing/ work-life balance
- Recognition for positive work (and consequences for poor behaviour)
Andrew Moss
Early Career Researchers – Career Development and Precarity
Technicians – Visibility, Recognition and Reward
Open Scholarship
Creating an atmosphere where colleagues feel ambitious about their work and are able to fulfil their potential
Victoria Schuppert
- Understanding across sector of what research culture is
- Align holistic research culture assessment with REF, frameworks, concordats
- Achieve actual change, not box-ticking compliance
Kate Jones
- Making research culture agenda work for all institutions
- Our institutional statement/outlook (new research strategy)
- Wellbeing and MH / workloads
- Equity of access
- Mentoring
- Narrative CVs
Sam Rowley
- Increasing rewards for better practice
- Incentives for coordinated shifts in research culture
- Making better decisions
Nathalie Van der Elst
- Diversity and mobility in research careers
- Research culture in social sciences
- Continuous research development
- Retaining talent
Laura Breen
- Building diverse, inclusive and supportive teams
- Developing inclusive research management processes
- Monitoring, evaluation and learning
- Participating in/co-developing networks across organisations (locally and nationally) to promote honest shared learning (successes and failures alike)
Michelle Wilson
- Conducting research to the highest standards of rigour
- Recognising different skills and roles that contribute to research
- Supporting career aspirations of colleagues
Lindsey Spriggs
- Normalisation, role modelling and measurement of researcher’s investment in their wider professional development
- Optimising researcher inductions
- Promoting and embedding mentoring
- Enabling the environment, skillset and mindset for researchers to undertake interdisciplinary research
- Advocating to reduce precarity and mitigating against its impacts
Sarah McLusky
- For research to be seen as something that is done by diverse teams, not just 'researchers'
- More focus on excellence in processes rather than outputs
- More genuine collaboration and engagement, with recognition for contributors
Natasha (Tish) Kriznik
- Developing an institutional ‘memory’ of research culture initiatives
- Ensuring appropriate recognition for work on and contributions to positive research culture
- Hearing the voices of non-STEM researchers
- Encouraging critical discussion on research culture
Grace Murkett
- Enabling high standards of research integrity
- Appropriate reward and recognition for all staff
- Supporting wellbeing and work-life balance
Alys Kay
Reshaping the future of research teams through Thrive.
Fostering diversity, inclusivity, and cross-functional relationships.
Break down silos and create a culture built on trust and communication.
Sabrina Fairchild
Inclusive Recruitment
Inclusive Support
Responsible Supervision of PGRs
Leadership and Talent Development
Anne-Marie Craig
- Isssue that inhibit EDI
- Improving work context for ECRs
- Identifying effective measurement tools
Priscilla Harries
Leading Research Leadership Academiesegfor NIHR
Post Grad Research
Harry Moriarty
- Bullying and Harassment
- Career precarity
- Accurate metrics
Fiona Evangeline
Researcher integrity and wellbeing
Research support
Public Scholarship
Anne Marie Sowerbutts
- Fixed term contracts
- Wellbeing and work-life balance
- Improving management and supervision
Sandra Oza
Cohort development and leadership pathways
Fostering a cross-institutional approach and buy-in for research culture
Ellen Cole
- Leadership and inclusive practice in research groups
- Recognition of all enabling roles
- Researcher wellbeing and resilience
Liese Perrin
- Incentives for change
- Interdisciplinarity
- Measuring research culture
- Collegiality
Fiona Secondino
- Leading by example
- Research leadership behaviours
- EDI best practice
Naomi Pierce
Improving research culture with little investment/resource
Measuring research culture
Developing impact literacy and capability in formative research environments
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We’d love to hear from you! If you’d like to speak at an event or suggest content for future meetings, please contact us at researchculture@warwick.ac.uk.
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