About Us
Dr. Vishal Shah - RTP Director
Dr Shah joined the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick in 2017 and is part of the PEATER group (Power Electronics Applications and Technology in Energy Research). He has been working in the (ultra) wide bandgap (UWBG) materials research activity and his research interests are driven by the application-led materials development. He has over 15 years’ experience developing semiconductor materials and fabrication technologies for numerous application areas including power electronics, quantum technology, photovoltaics, CMOS, MEMS and sensing.
Within the Nanofabrication RTP, Dr Shah's role is director. He oversees links to academic & non-academic research and guides the strategic development of the RTP.
Office: F3.35
Tel: +44 (0) 024 76575467 (Internal 75467)
E-Mail: vishal.shah@warwick.ac.uk
Dr. Oliver Vavasour - RTP Manager
Oli has a background in electronic engineering and semiconductor devices, having completed a PhD in 2018. Since then, he has worked as a postdoc, researching semiconductor materials and characterisation, and as an engineer in industry, developing power electronics for industrial and automotive applications. He is interested in the intersection between scientific disciplines in nanofabrication, applying fundamental scientific knowledge to deliver advanced and novel devices.
Within the Nanofabrication RTP, Oli's role is platform manager. He oversees day-to-day operations, including working with users, and also contributes to the RTP strategy.
Office: D0.32
Tel: +44 (0) 024 765 51294 (Internal 51294)
E-Mail: o.vavasour.1@warwick.ac.uk
Dr. Richard Jefferies - Process Engineer
Richard has a background in industrial nanofabrication, having worked in semiconductor devices since 1993 and completed a PhD in 2000. He has worked with the Defence Research Agency (DRA), Trikon Technologies and QinetiQ. He joined the University of Warwick in 2013 and has contributed to a range of research activities. He is interested in applying rigorous industrial practice to academic research, delivering high-quality, high-reliability and high-impact results through professional practice.
Within the Nanofabrication RTP, Richard's role is process engineer. He is available to offer support with developing fabrication processes, both from scratch and advancing existing methods.
Office: D0.32
E-Mail: richard.jefferies@warwick.ac.uk
Dr. Mark Giltrow - Infrastructure Technician
Mark has a background in Physics and academic research, having completed a PhD in 1996. He has worked on a range of Physics research projects, most prominently with cryogenic and ultra-high-purity helium at the Lancaster University.
Within the Nanofabrication RTP, Mark's role is infrastructure technician. He is responsible for day-to-day operations and support, from monitoring chemical supply to implementing infrastructure upgrades.
Office: D0.32
E-Mail: mark.giltrow@warwick.ac.uk