Warwick Business School Bookcase
WBS Virtual Bookcase

Janus Strategy
Loizos Heracleous
September 2020

Natural Gas
Michael Bradshaw & Tim Boersma
June 2020

The Network Trap: Why Women Struggle to Make it into the Boardroom
Kim Hoque, Meryl Bushell & Deborah Dean
April 2020

Business Ethics and Care in Organizations
Edited by Marianna Fotaki, Gazi Islam & Anne Antoni
December 2019

Employee Retention and Turnover: Why Employees Stay or Leave
Peter Hom, David Allen & Rodger Griffeth
September 2019

Routine Dynamics in Action: Replication and Transformation
Edited by Martha Feldman, Luciana D’Adderio, Katharina Dittrich & Paula Jarzabkowski
May 2019

Whistleblowing Guide: Speak-Up Arrangements, Challenges and Best Practices
Kate Kenny, Wim Vandekerckhove & Marianna Fotaki
April 2019

Diversity, Affect and Embodiment in Organizing
Edited by Marianna Fotaki & Alison Linstead
December 2018

The Mind is Flat: The Remarkable Shallowness of the Improvising Brain
Nick Chater
March 2018