Provisional Work Timetable for the Warwick Commission on International Financial Reform
29 January 2009
First meeting of the Commission - University of Warwick, UK
25 March 2009
Second meeting of the Commission - Berlin, Germany (in the context of conference on Financial Architecture after Subprime with BMW Stiftung, 26-27 March 2009)
April-May 2009
Interviews and Evidence Sessions: Selected members of the Commission will hold special work meetings and interviews in a number of locations, taking evidence from senior policy makers, academic specialists, interested NGO groups and relevant private sector actors. Meetings in London, Brussels and possibly New York.
June 2009
Drafting Group Meeting and Draft Preparation
June - July 2009
Commission Feedback
July – August 2009
Final Draft Preparation
Late August 2009
Third meeting of the Commission (location to be confirmed)
September 2009
Final Document
October 2009
Launch of the Warwick Commission report on International Financial Reform – Istanbul, Turkey