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Landlord - Guide to Properties photos

Landlord - Guidance to Property Images

See below guidance for your property imagery on our Studentpad website. Whilst a professional photographer and camera set up is always advisable for the best images, you don’t need to be a professional to take basic photography of your property by following these simple tips.

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Images should be uploaded in high definition, at least 1000px x 600px.


In summary, property photography is about showcasing each room to its best advantage, capturing as much of it as possible whilst remaining realistic. Use a tripod where possible to reduce the chance of blurred lines or an uneven shot, this also allows you to use the camera’s timer to avoid getting caught in reflections of the shot:


  • The images should show the rooms best advantages. The pictures should be taken in landscape to give the widest perspective of each room.
  • Keep the rooms clean, tidy and clutter-free, remove any unnecessary items. Only capture the fixtures and fittings included within the rental price.
  • The images should not show any personal details such as photographs, children’s toys and fridge magnets etc. Do not include any people or their personal possessions without their explicit written consent.
  • Avoid capturing any seasonal decorations such as Christmas, Halloween etc. as this will date the images and distract the viewer.
  • Never use a fish-eye lens, or one that gives too wide an image, this will bend lines and distort rooms.
  • Make sure that any objects within the image are in focus.
  • Straighten furniture and linen. Creating clean lines can do wonders for a room.
  • Shift furniture to frame an image better. It is important that the photographs are representative of the actual room.
  • Make sure to take all photos during the day. Open all the blinds and turn on the lights. You want to add as much light to the rooms as possible and make the property look bright and welcoming.
  • Unless you are a professional in photography/ editing we would advise against using any editing software for your pictures as changes are easily identifiable to the trained eye and instantly evident on physical inspection.
  • Avoid using flash photography. Using the property lights, as well as natural daylight, will create more natural looking and aesthetically pleasing photos.
  • Align two corners of the room. Standing in one corner of a room, so you can capture the other three, this will enable you to get the widest perspective.
  • Most photos should be shot at eye level as this is how buyers will walk through the property, the photos will then match their line-of-sight in real life. Ideally, you want to create an image which shows everything in the room in the most appealing way.
  • Open all internal doors. Open doors in a home to display the flow of the property. Opening doors that open into an outside living area will give the feeling of space.

The main goal is to keep your images neat and clear, capturing the authentic feel of the property.
Please note your property listing may be rejected on the grounds of poor/misrepresentative imagery.