Chris Bucklow and Karen Lang discuss Philip Guston
Chris Bucklow has provided a list of images to go with the podcast on the work of the artist Philip Guston.
The timings by the side of each of the image titles below correspond to the points where they are discussed in the podcast
7mins / 30secs: Conspirators, 1936
8 / 40: Painting Number 9, 1951
9 / 30: A Day’s Work, 1970
12 / 15: Nile, 1958
13 / 30: *[Back to ‘Painting Number 9’, 1951]
16 / 00: If This Be Not I, 1945
28 /53: *[Back to ‘A Day’s Work’, 1970]
35 / 45 Flatlands, 1970
38 / 50 Painting Speaking Eating, 1973
39 / 30 Cellar, 1970
46 / 15 Painter’s Forms. 1972
47 / 20 Painter’s Table, 1973