#39 - Turn a presentation into a slide show with audio narration
- Creating high quality online content (for distance, blended or flipped learning) is usually a laborious process requiring advanced IT and production skills.
- Many people already have good PowerPoint or Keynote presentations, but they might not make sense when viewed without the teacher's oral explanation.
- We can create high quality online content using this simple technique.
Enhancement goals addressed: Blended learning | Distance learning | Flexible learning | Flipped classroom
Tools and how to get support: Office 365 | Keynote | eStream | Moodle Module Space
Solution overview
Presentation tools usually provide a simple means for recording a presentation with an audio narration, which may then be exported as a video file, uploaded to our Echo video streaming platform, and embedded into Moodle. PowerPoint (Windows and Mac) and Keynote (Mac) allow the user to play the slide show and record a narration. The slide timings are synchronised with the audio. To convert Prezi into a video, use screen recording software. Upload videos to EchoVideo and embed in Moodle pages. Students can also do this.
- Firstly, you will need to find out specifically how to do this using your version of PowerPoint or Keynote. Use the links in the tools section below to find help.
- Next, you should prepare and practice your narration - either as a scripted talk, semi-scripted, or more fluidly improvised - whatever suits you and your content best.
- If you have a very long presentation, you might want to break it down into a series of separate recordings. This will help your audience, and make it easier for you to record.
- Set up your recording space - you need somewhere quiet, and with good sound properties (soft furnishings help soften the sound, offices are often not very good for this).
- Get comfortable, play your presentation through in record mode (however that works with your software).
- Listen to your recording, and check that it is OK. Some tools allow you to edit individual slides.
- When you are happy, export your recording as a video file (typically a .mp4 or .mov file).
- Upload to EchoVideo.
- In Moodle, use the add from EchoVideo option in the editor to find and add your video to a page.
- Or use EchoVideo to get a link to your video, and share that with the students.
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