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Web and Digital Marketing

Our purpose is to support student recruitment and promote the University brand by making sure that our website is the best student recruitment platform that it can be. We help teams and departments achieve their objectives through digital services and information.

Our services

  • Website updates, builds, rebuilds, and migrations
  • Web support for specific University campaigns
  • Digital analytics and insight
  • User experience research, analysis, and design
  • Guidance on web accessibility, GPDR, and online branding
  • General web expertise and support via our shared Webeditor inbox

How can we help you?

A quick request

If you have a quick request for the web team, such as requests for a new/changes to a report or page content updates, please use the form linked below:

A large project

If you have a large project, which requires multiple pages to be created, optimised or analysed, please complete the form linked below:

Something else

If you have an idea for a project and just want to chat through some initial thoughts, email us:

Who we are

Edward Dyer

Digital Platform and Channel Manager

Matt Fife

UX Designer

Dan Krishan

Web Communications Executive

Emily Carter

Web Communications Executive

Tania Nascimento

Web Communications Executive

Rolf Schwarz

Web Communications Executive