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Online moderating guidance

Everyone at the University of Warwick, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. Our community is an environment where prejudice, harassment and harmful behaviour are never tolerated.

To ensure that our digital spaces are welcoming, inclusive spaces which allow our community to come together online, the University has developed community guidelines for Warwick’s social media channels. Warwick staff and students should also ensure that their activity reflects our Online and Social Communications Policy.

By engaging with our content on social media, we expect you to:

  • Adhere to the social media platform’s terms and conditions
  • Behave in a way that respects the rights and dignity of others
  • Refrain from using language that could be defamatory, prejudiced , discriminatory, hateful or threatening
  • Share relevant, on-topic, and constructive additions to online discussions
  • Engage in good-faith manner that recognises the opportunities that online conversation can provide across our community.

We ask that you do not share messages, comments and/or content that:

  • Uses obscene or offensive language, including hurtful speech, slurs, and abusive expletives
  • Contains spam, misleading, off-topic, or unintelligible material
  • Promotes false or misleading information
  • Intends to advertise or promote services unaffiliated with or outside of the University
  • Does not align with the University’s values and Dignity Principles.

Legally, you must not share messages, comments and/or content that:

  • Uses language that stirs up racial or religious hatred, incites violence, or promotes or supports a proscribed terrorist organisation
  • Engages in targeting, insulting, or bullying an individual or group, which includes sending or posting words or images that are threatening, abusive, or insulting with the intention or effect of causing harassment, alarm, or distress
  • Compromises the safety of an individual, group or our community as a whole
  • Promotes discrimination based on protected characteristics like race, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age
  • Discloses confidential data, personal information or explicit imagery without consent
  • Encourages or assists others to engage in any illegal activity.

In cases where the University receives comments, messages or content that does not align with these expectations, including spam, our Digital Engagement team will consider a number of options:  

The Digital Engagement team is available from 09:00 to 17:30, Monday to Friday.

If we receive any concerning messages, comments, and content outside of these times, we will review them when we are back online to see if we need to take action.