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Do you want to join the Digital Screens Network?

We're looking for a group of Digital Screen content owners to help improve digital signage across campus. We've already reached out to current content owners of screens containing the Global Playlist, but anyone is welcome to join.

We’re looking to make various improvements to the screens including:

  • Better content groupings, including the ability to repeat featured content more frequently and easily.
  • A design refresh to make the screens look and feel more modern.
  • Customisation for different departments, including departmental news and event feeds.

To this end, we’re setting up a Digital Screens Network (DSN), for anyone who would like to have an input into this process. The DSN will help advise on the refreshed layout, have an input into how their departments utilise the screens and share best practice and resources. We will aim to meet online once a term to discuss updates, challenges and suggest improvements.

If you’re interested in joining the DSN, please complete the form linked below:

Please complete this form by the start of June, so we can set up an online teams meeting and share the agenda for the first session.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with

Wed 24 May 2023, 09:02 | Tags: Digital Screens