Concur : Changes
Newly designed home page August 24
You now have the option of enabling the new home page
Next Generation User Interface Oct 22
When you first log on and start a claim with the NextGen UI you will have a short (3-slide) tour from Concur showing you the main changes.
The main changes you will see are:
- Claim LibraryLink opens in a new window - all your claims are available on one page (including a drop-down for historic claims)
- As you enter your claim details you can see your receipt and thus ensure you are inputting the correct details
- It is easier to add attendees if you are paying for meals/refreshments/hospitality for other people
- Hotel itemisations have a table format so it is easier to enter different nightly rates (but please still do NOT use the hotel tax field). You can also now itemise hotel stays using future dates, provided you have already paid for the hotel stay
- Allocating costs to codes - you can set a default allocation category
- Mandatory fields are shown by a red asterisk * rather than a bar
- Error alerts - there is now a view link in the error alert that will take you directly to any transaction that needs correcting
We have created a short videoLink opens in a new window to show how you can now see your receipt whilst you create a claim