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01 May

Warwick Acoustics completes £7m funding round

The spinout company whose patented loudspeaker technology is set to revolutionise in-car audio systems has raised a further £7m in a funding round led by Mercia and including NFU Mutual and private investors.

11 Apr

Clinical trials success for Medherant

Warwick spinout Medherant is pleased to announce preliminary results of trials of its testosterone patch for post menopausal women.

01 Apr

Warwick spinout Cytoswim receives FDA clearance

Cytoswim has received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its novel SpermAlign device which helps select high quality sperm for use in Assistive Reproductive Techniques.

10 Oct 2023

New Warwick spin-out company SEEV

Could e-voting be the future for general elections?

Tags: spinouts
03 Oct 2023

Revolutionising AI for cellular pathology

Warwick spin-out Histofy to revolutionise AI for cellular pathology.

08 Sep 2023

Tools to solve global challenges

Equipping entrepreneurs and start-ups with the tools needed to solve global challenges.

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