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FAQ (Accordion) page template

Use the FAQ page template to display frequently asked questions on your website. These pages are often referred to as accordions because they are made up of multiple entries containing a heading/title, with content below that can be expanded or collapsed. Accordion pages make content-heavy pages appear less so.

In this article:

Create a new FAQ or accordion page template

  1. At the location where you would like to create the page, go to Edit > Create new page.
  2. On the Create new page screen, append &sb_dataEntry=true to the URL in your browser's address bar and select Enter. For example, if your page layout is located at /fac/arts/music/layout the URL is:    
  3. In the Change page template section, select Data list.
  4. Choose FAQs from the List of drop-down list.
  5. Expand the Add page properties section and fill in the standard page properties.
  6. Select the Create new page button.

Add or edit entries

  1. On the FAQs page you created, select Add a new entry - typically at the top left of the blocks in your page layout. The button is only available when you have contributor permission or above. If the button is not visible, contact the page owner for permission to edit the page.
    Add new entry button
  2. To edit an entry, select Edit next to the title of the entry.
    Edit entry button
  3. In the Title field, enter the question or heading. This is the text that's displayed when the accordion is collapsed.
  4. In the Content field, add the text and/or images you would like to display when the accordion is expanded.
  5. Leave Specify a date for this entry unselected.
  6. You can choose to create tags to categorise your entries. Type a tag name in the field under New Category then select the Add button.
  7. When you have finished editing your content, select Save changes.
  8. You're prompted to confirm the changes. SiteBuilder does not save a history for content blocks and overwriting previous content cannot be undone. In the Overwrite permanently window, select Save.

Manage tags

You can define tags – for example, ‘Conferences’, ‘Postgraduate’ or ‘Research seminar’ – to categorise your entries and enable the user to jump to a specific category.

  1. Select the Manage tags button.
    Manage tags button
  2. To add a new tag, select Create new tag. Type the name of your tag and select Save.
  3. To edit an existing tag, select the Edit icon next to the tag you would like to edit. Edit the tag name then select Save.
    Edit tag icon
  4. To delete an existing tag, select the Delete icon next to the corresponding tag. You are prompted to confirm if you want to delete the tag. Select Delete to proceed. Once tags are deleted they cannot be restored.delete tag icon


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