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Add a pop-up window to a quiz

You can add a pop-up window containing further information, such as a hint, with the [popup] tag.
  1. Go to your quiz.
  2. Select Edit > Edit quizbuilder page.
  3. Add a new question or edit an existing question, as appropriate.
  4. In the Question box, after the question, enter an opening [popup] tag that contains the link caption – for example:

    Which film is this clip taken from? [popup Hint]
  5. Now enter the text to show in the pop-up window and add a closing [/popup] tag:

    Which film is this clip taken from? [popup Hint]It's one of Roger Moore's earlier films.[/popup]
  6. Select Save.
  7. Select Done and view the published quiz. Select the link to ensure that it works:

    Hint: it's one of Roger Moore's earlier films

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