Travel Insurance Declarations
Employee and Student Travel
The Insurance Office will request from all Departments an annual travel pattern for the previous financial year in April of each year. This is then used by the insurers to determine premium costs for the next insured twelve month period. It is essential that departments complete the travel summary in order to ensure that the University’s cover is accurately underwritten at the time of each insured period.
All categories of insured persons MUST notify the relevant Departmental member of staff, of their travel arrangements ahead of the period of travel. This will not only ensure the accuracy of renewal data but will also, importantly, ensure that those persons travelling will be more easily identified in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.
Insurers will charge a premium based on the annual travel pattern submitted.
Departments will be recharged, by the Insurance Services Office, a charge for travel, based on the annual submission, in the quarter 1 of each Financial Year.