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Online Experiment Requests Demo

This page has links to various different ways to access the online booking system for analytical science.

You can book a piece of work, for any of the 3 initial techniques

Linear Dichroism

Circular Dichroism


Look for the "Book Now" link on the right-hand-side

You can check the server's status . When reporting problems or feedback, it's helpful (though not essential) if you can provide the "build number" which the status page reports. A point to bear in mind; when not in use for a few minutes, the developement system will 'hibernate'; if you receive an error the first time you try and access it, try again a minute or so later and see if it's woken up. If it takes more than a minute or so, then something's gone wrong.

You can view the administration UI, if you have an appropriate login:

Soon, You will be able to view the user interface for a technician, if you have an appropriate login

You can view the form submissions from the Contact us form if you have edit rights on that page

You can view the emails that the system has sent recently, if you have an appropriate login.

New 10/9/12 Analyst functionality

You can now visit the Analyst home page. Analysts see any experiments which are Approved, Ready to Start (samples received) or Started, for the techniques with which they're associated.

There are two analyst users on the test system: analyst@test can perform any technique, ldanalyst@test can only perform Linear Dichroism experiments.

Analysts can mark experiments to indicate that a sample has been received, and that the experiment has started. They can also upload results files.

Once a file has been uploaded, the customer can then download it from their account page (i.e. the link that's emailed to them when they first create the experiment).

At the moment, users don't get email notification when a results file is uploaded; this is coming soon.

New 12/9/12 Admins can Modify experiments

Administrators can now chose to make a modifiction to an experiment, rather than just approving as-is. They must include a comment with the modification. The experiment is then sent back to the customer, who can update it and re-submit the request. This functionality can also be used to request further information - i.e. the administrator could select the option to modify an experiment, leave a comment saying "please provide more information about the buffers you want to use", and send the request back to the customer without actually changing the data at all.

Users can see experiments that have been modified on their account page (they have a status of "modified", and can submit or save them as they can with a new experiment.