Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SS-NMR)
NMR is non-destructive method providing information about chemical structure and dynamics with atomic resolution. In solid-state NMR, high-resolution spectra are obtained by the technique of magic-angle spinning (MAS) that involves rotating the sample at high rotation frequencies (up to 60,000 rotations a second) around an axis inclined at 54.7 degrees to the direction of the superconducting NMR magnetic field. NMR spectra are nucleus specific (e.g., a 1H or 13C NMR spectrum is obtained), with spectral resonances being differentiated on the basis of the NMR chemical shift, while through-bond connectivities and through-space proximities can be identified by means of experiments that utilise J and dipolar couplings between nuclei.
Spectra can be obtained for most solids, e.g., pharmaceuticals, polymers, glasses, and biosolids. Notably, since NMR is a probe of the local (typically up to 0.5 nm) structure around a specific nucleus, there is no requirement for long-range periodic order, and solid-state NMR is readily applicable to disordered solids.
Sample Handling Requirements:
Powder, in favourable cases, spectra can be obtained for as little as a few mg. Variable temperature experiments are feasible over the range -140 to +150 C.
Complementary Techniques:
Solution-state NMR, XRD, EPR.
Warwick Capability:
7 solid-state NMR spectrometers (100-600 MHz, Bruker & Varian) as well as hosting the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility.

Claire Gerard: / 07385 145064